A Website Helps Businesses Thrive. Here’s Why.

How can a website helps business thrive? Let’s face it, we’re living in a digital world where possibilities are limitless. People of all ages, in all walks of life, have a use for a computer or a mobile phone one way or another. So, why is having a website crucial to your business?

Before we answer that, let me ask you something first. Whenever you are curious about something, where do you go first?

For example, a place you wish to visit, a recipe you wanted to try, or a celebrity you are crushing on after watching a movie. That’s right, it’s Google! The Internet.

Let me give a situational example. There is a potential customer, let’s call him Mr. Smith, who is scrolling on his phone. He suddenly remembered that today is his wedding anniversary with his wife and he needs to think of a last-minute surprise. Mr. Smith then decided to look for a fancy restaurant online, where he can book a table for two for tonight’s dinner to celebrate.

Now, your business is a fancy restaurant but you don’t have a website where your customers can scroll through information about your business. While your biggest competitor on the other hand has a Website with all important functions such as;

  • SEO-Ready, means customers can look up “fancy restaurants near me” on google and your website will be the first thing they’ll see. This means optimizing your Websites functionality and using just the right keywords to help your customers find you.
  • A gallery of images that shows the best parts and features of your fancy restaurant. People today love visiting restaurants that are Instagram picture-worthy.
  • Build-in booking features. Customers can easily book a table anytime, anywhere.
  • A map feature that will show customers exactly where your business is located.
  • A homepage banner where you can showcase any promos you have for the day.
  • A messaging system where customers can reach out and talk to a staff member instantly for assistance.
  • In the About Us section where you can show all the information about your company. This is a chance to let visitors get to know your business on a personal level.
  • And everything else in between. 

Given this scenario, where do you think Mr. Smith will have his dinner tonight? Of course, with no hesitation, he will be going to your competitor. Why? Because all his questions were answered just by visiting their Website. With just a few clicks and scrolls, he’s immediately convinced that it is the perfect place where they can spend a lovely time for their anniversary.

Now if you finally decided that you would like to explore more about owning a website, I’d like to give you a little tip. There are plenty of agencies that offer Web Design and management services. In searching for the right agency for your business, it’s important to keep in mind and to make sure that you are getting your “value for money.”

If you’re living in a first-world country like the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and so on, the best way to get “value” for your money is to find agencies from another country. 

Why you might ask? It’s simple, it’s cheaper! Same quality but less expensive. 

And if you would like to dive deeper into why you should choose Filipino Web Designer, read all about it here: Why choose a Filipino Web Designer?

It’s also helpful if you did your research beforehand. Here are more tips that you might need in making the most of Web Design Services: “4 Simple Web Design Tips

What are the takeaways? If you want your business to thrive in today’s marketing generation, you got to have your Website!

Having a website dedicated to your business is not a necessity but now a need.

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